Urology Casablanca
Urology clinic
Dr. Tabari Younes
187, Abdel Moumen Street residence Walili 5th floor No. 19 (Opposite the tramway station Faculty of medicine ) Casablanca
Number phone:0522487771-0522273595
Mobile: 0679782407
Mail: tibari.urologie.casa@gmail.com
Urinary Examination (Urology Committee) What is the dynamic link? This examination, by recording the potential volumes, pressures, flows and electrical activities of the perineal muscles (the part of the body that closes the small pelvis at the bottom and crosses the end of the urinary, reproductive and digestive tracts), allows you to better understand the functioning of the bladder (1) and the sphincter (4) (the muscle responsible about urine seal).
Why did your doctor ask you for this test?
The urodynamic assessment is not a routine examination. It is requested when the clinical examination and simple examinations (ultrasound, radiographic or biological) have not made it possible to understand the anomaly in the functioning of your bladder. It is requested in particular:- before being operated on for urinary incontinence or in the event of failure of a previous treatment,- to analyze complex defects in the functioning of the bladder,- to take stock of abnormalities of nerve control of the bladder and urinary sphincter.
How will the exam go?
The examination is performed on an outpatient basis. You don't need to be fasting.
Since the urodynamic assessment cannot be carried out in the event of an untreated urinary tract infection, your doctor will prescribe an analysis or perform a rapid test on your urine just before the examination. In the event of a urinary tract infection, your examination may be postponed. You will need to report the list of medications you are taking, some of which may affect the test results. Bring your last prescription. You will need to indicate if you are allergic or if you have an artificial heart valve. You will be asked to urinate at the start of the exam. Arrive with a full but not too full bladder.
What is the procedure for the exam?
It begins with a questioning about your medical history, your symptoms and a clinical examination of your perineum. It has a maximum of three parts and lasts 30 to 60 minutes.
It consists of urinating in special toilets which record the power of your jet and the volume urinated. Urinate as usual and try to relax. For the examination to be interpreted correctly, you must have urinated a sufficient quantity. On the other hand, avoid having an overfull bladder, which can disrupt the functioning of your bladder or lead to a blockage.
It consists of recording the pressures in the bladder during its filling. The examination is carried out in a lying, sitting or gynecological position. It requires inserting a very thin probe (2) into the bladder through the urinary meatus. This probe will fill the bladder with sterile water and simultaneously record the pressure. Sometimes a small probe will be introduced into the rectum (3), through the anus. For the study of neurological diseases of the bladder, it is sometimes useful to record the electrical activity of the muscles of the perineum. This will be done by glued pellets or by a needle electrode placed in the urinary sphincter. The examination is unpleasant but not painful. The passage of the probes simply causes a slight gene. It is important to relax as much as possible. All precautions will be taken to put you at ease and respect your modesty. You will have to report everything you feel during the examination (light urge to urinate, normal urge to urinate, painful urge to urinate, urgent urge...)
Urethral proliferation
It consists of analyzing your sphincter. During this third phase, the probe will be gradually withdrawn. It is important to relax as much as possible, not to move or talk during this time.
What to do after the examination when you return home?
Passing the catheter can irritate your urethra and bladder. You may feel some burning or discomfort when you urinate the day and the day after the examination. Remember to drink plenty of water during this period to properly "wash the bladder".
What signs should lead you to consult your doctor after the examination?
In case of heavy bleeding, fever, difficulty urinating, persistent burning, bladder pain, cloudy urine "strong smell", do not hesitate to consult your doctor.
What are the risks of the exam?
Exceptionally, a urinary tract infection may occur. It will be treated effectively by your doctor, with a few days of antibiotics. Know that all the material used is sterile and that all hygiene and aseptic precautions are taken to limit this risk as much as possible.
Your urologist is at your disposal for any information.